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Message from the Principal

Principal Image
Dr. Gitanjali Choudhury

West Guwahati College of Education has been standing proudly for 32 years amid the beautiful surroundings of Nilachal Hills, free from the hustle-bustle atmosphere of Guwahati City, to spread experiential learning among the student-trainees at a stretch without compromising its ethics, commitments, and responsibilities in the field of teacher training. The institution seeks to perform a transformative and active role through teacher education with the spirit of inquiry in teacher training courses, which helps the student trainees to be responsible citizens with sensitive, compassionate souls in society who will carry a social and scientific perspective. WGCE enlightens the trainees to imagine their professional journey as teachers through knowledge, information, and wisdom. Welcome all the prospective teachers to the institution who want to walk and talk with teacher educators' progressive, scientific attitude.

Dr. Gitanjali Choudhury
M.A. (Eng & Public Administration), M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.