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Examination Committee

The examination committee of West Guwahati College of Education plays a main role in conducting internal, external, and unit tests as per the norms of the Gauhati University. The committee is dissolved at the end of every academic year, and a new committee is framed at the beginning of the consecutive year.

Functions and Duties of the Examination Committee:

  1. To prepare the timetable of internal and unit test exams in advance.
  2. To inform the students/trainees about the exam timetable in advance.
  3. To prepare the duty list of examiners for the above-mentioned examinations.
  4. To collect the question papers of the above-mentioned exams from the respective teachers in advance.
  5. To allot the exam halls for conducting exams.
  6. To collect the answer scripts and distribute them among the respective teachers.
  7. To declare the results on time.
  8. To address any complaints/grievances of students.

Structure of the Committee:

Sl. No Name Designation
1 Dr. Gitanjali Choudhury Principal
2 Dr. Parijat Chakroborty Assistant Professor
3 Barsita Sarkar Assistant Professor
4 Mrityunjoy Dasgupta Assistant Professor